Crossroad - Where to go next?
I thought everything would be fine when I just returned to office from my 1 1/2 week long study leave on Wednesday. My threshold level for their nonsense should be quite high after the long break. I was wrong. In less that 1 hour, I got so fed up with the stupid things that people do while I'm away that I feel like just typing out my resign letter on the spot. All these people cares about is covering their backside and wait for retirements.
I cannot stay in this company forever. I'm already feeling the effects of being in this company. Somehow, I'm turning very slack as the days go by. I'm beginning to become one of them. With the retiree mentality, sometimes I call it RM for short.
I told myself that I'm going to use this weekend to think about the next step. We still have less than a 1/4 of the weekend left, and I'm still not quite decided which step to take. I have several options. Maybe I should list them out.
Find a new job and resign. This is the safest step. Everyone is saying this is the way to go. But the problem is, I'm currently a diploma holder doing my degree. I will be getting my degree in 1/2 year time. Which makes me in the middle of nowhere. Jobs that requires a diploma may not want me because I would be over-qualified in 6 month time. Most employer would think that I will surely change a job once I get my degree. Jobs that require a degree will not want me because I haven't gotten my degree yet, which makes me under-qualified. In short, I'm in the middle of nowhere.
Resign now, take a break then find a new job. Actually, I quite like this idea. I've been working for 4 years since I came out from NS. I need a break. And I could take this time to pick up some new skill. Currently, I'm thinking of picking up web programming. With that skill, maybe I could take up a few freelance job in the future, or create some interesting website myself as a hobby. Then when I'm done with the learning, I'll find a new job and continue to do freelance and web development while at my new job.
But the problem is am I able to survive without a payslip? Will others think that I'm a slacker who don't want to work even though I'm spending those time picking up new skill and doing freelance? Will my dad nag and nag and nag at me whole day for not finding a proper job? Would any gal find security in a guy without a stable income? And what if I couldn't find a job after I had enough break and learnt what I wanted to learn?
The last option is to stay at my current company until I finish my degree. Maybe switch job once I got my degree. EVERYONE around me is telling me to take this option. well... almost everyone. I don't know. I really don't think this is the right path to choose. I don't want to there for too long until I become like one of them. I don't know how long more can I endure their nonsense.
Why is everyone suggesting this path? Is it because its the safest way to go? Some people told me that everywhere is the same. Is it really the case? I know the current state of my company. At least if I change a new job, its a 50-50 percent chance of landing myself in a better place. Seriously, this is the last last option I'm taking.
Which path should I choose?

As I was typing this entry, I suddenly realise that the question that has been in my head for the past few days wasn't really about which path to choose. Instead, it is about how to pick up my courage and walk the path that my heart wants to go.
I cannot stay in this company forever. I'm already feeling the effects of being in this company. Somehow, I'm turning very slack as the days go by. I'm beginning to become one of them. With the retiree mentality, sometimes I call it RM for short.
I told myself that I'm going to use this weekend to think about the next step. We still have less than a 1/4 of the weekend left, and I'm still not quite decided which step to take. I have several options. Maybe I should list them out.
Find a new job and resign. This is the safest step. Everyone is saying this is the way to go. But the problem is, I'm currently a diploma holder doing my degree. I will be getting my degree in 1/2 year time. Which makes me in the middle of nowhere. Jobs that requires a diploma may not want me because I would be over-qualified in 6 month time. Most employer would think that I will surely change a job once I get my degree. Jobs that require a degree will not want me because I haven't gotten my degree yet, which makes me under-qualified. In short, I'm in the middle of nowhere.
Resign now, take a break then find a new job. Actually, I quite like this idea. I've been working for 4 years since I came out from NS. I need a break. And I could take this time to pick up some new skill. Currently, I'm thinking of picking up web programming. With that skill, maybe I could take up a few freelance job in the future, or create some interesting website myself as a hobby. Then when I'm done with the learning, I'll find a new job and continue to do freelance and web development while at my new job.
But the problem is am I able to survive without a payslip? Will others think that I'm a slacker who don't want to work even though I'm spending those time picking up new skill and doing freelance? Will my dad nag and nag and nag at me whole day for not finding a proper job? Would any gal find security in a guy without a stable income? And what if I couldn't find a job after I had enough break and learnt what I wanted to learn?
The last option is to stay at my current company until I finish my degree. Maybe switch job once I got my degree. EVERYONE around me is telling me to take this option. well... almost everyone. I don't know. I really don't think this is the right path to choose. I don't want to there for too long until I become like one of them. I don't know how long more can I endure their nonsense.
Why is everyone suggesting this path? Is it because its the safest way to go? Some people told me that everywhere is the same. Is it really the case? I know the current state of my company. At least if I change a new job, its a 50-50 percent chance of landing myself in a better place. Seriously, this is the last last option I'm taking.
Which path should I choose?

As I was typing this entry, I suddenly realise that the question that has been in my head for the past few days wasn't really about which path to choose. Instead, it is about how to pick up my courage and walk the path that my heart wants to go.
I'd go for the last, if I were you... Cos I don't think I'll be able to survive without a payslip. Just heck care, do whatever you can (within your threshold limit) in these 6 months, and then find a new job once you get the degree.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5/27/2007 04:47:00 PM
Why not stay in your current job until you have your degree and then take a break for a couple of months and then find a job? That way, you have the best of all 3 options?
No need to worry about your Dad lah, if he nags, tell him you are old enough to look for a job for yourself lah. Otherwise threaten to move out to stay away from his nonsense lor...
Posted by
iRis |
5/27/2007 04:55:00 PM
I'd agree - 6 more months to your degree. How about, say, working for another 3-4 months, then taking the rest of the time off until you get your degree? That way you can start short-term savings during your last few months at work to help you tide over your break. Anyway, good luck in your new job search!
Posted by
k |
5/27/2007 05:21:00 PM
No! Don't be a web developer! Don't compete with me!
Haha. Just kidding. Actually as they all said, it's only 6 months, the decision isn't hard to make. 6 months is a very short time, you can even choose to decide again after your final exams.
If you're going into web development, let me know. I'll be more than happy to guide you.
Posted by
Unknown |
5/27/2007 05:37:00 PM
just my 2 cents worth/ if u can survive on your savings for 6mths, quit now, leave end June and enjoy the rest of your studies in peace. BUT of course sending out resumes at the same time.
if money is an issue, then u have no choice but to stay, concurrently find a new job, get the new job and resign.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5/27/2007 06:04:00 PM
I think in this 6 mths you should keep sending out resumes regardless of which choice you take. Other then that i think the rest more or less stated what the pros cons of the choices are as well.
Posted by
ar zhou |
5/27/2007 06:44:00 PM
This is insanely simple take the second option.
There is no point staying in your present job if you are that unhappy there. I was in the exact same situation some months back, feeling unappreciated and zero sense of fulfillment in my old job. It took me a couple of months to muster the courage and resign. I never looked back since.
Half a year isn't a long time. In fact, if you were to start looking for a job now you would be competing with all the fresh grads that are willing to work for a lower pay.
I say, take the break, learn some new skills and rejuvenate yourself. It would put you in a much better state of mind to begin the next portion of your life.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5/27/2007 06:52:00 PM
I'd go for option #3 too. You meet nasty people in any organizations so just put up with the nonsense for another 6 more months. There's always a silver lining.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5/27/2007 07:48:00 PM
If I understand correctly, you had already chosen option 2 but yet to find the courage to execute it. Resignation is just a matter of time, not a matter of choice. We only live once. Don't let fear rule your heart.
Anyway, you are still young. You can always pick yourself up after a fall. We have done that when we are children. No reason we can't do it now.
Posted by
The Uncharted Waters |
5/27/2007 10:47:00 PM
DK, dont just place your choices from these few that you listed here. They may just be restricted by certain fears.
Remove the fear of any safety nets and see if the choice is the same.
Posted by
Details: |
5/27/2007 11:18:00 PM
Having worked for almost 12 years (yeah I am really jurassic) for periods ranging from as little as 2.5 months to as long as 4.5 years (my current job), my advice depends on how long you already are in your current job.
If you are already in your 4th year in the same job, then it won't look too bad if you were to leave now, take a break and retool yourself before taking a stab at the corporate world again. There may be employers who are also willing to employ you on the basis of your diploma first with the possibility of upgrading your job once the degree comes into the picture.
If however, you are only a couple of months in this current job, then it may be wiser to stay on for at least a little longer till you graduate.
Of course, like Paddy has alluded to, there are other options too other than the beaten tracks. You may want to explore those areas too while taking a hiatus.
Posted by
Unknown |
5/28/2007 12:22:00 AM
Hey guys, thanks for your comments. I guess I already more or less made up my mind before I wrote this entry.
Posted by
DK |
5/28/2007 02:32:00 AM
All the way bro! :)
Posted by
Details: |
5/28/2007 08:49:00 AM
Paddy: Thx. :)
Posted by
DK |
5/28/2007 12:50:00 PM
Option 1. Before you quit, consider the basics. It will take about three to six months, sometimes longer, to find a new job. Do you have enough savings or other income to manage on? Even if your employment situation isn't the best, you might want to consider hanging on to the job you have, as well your paycheck, and starting your job search before you resign. That old saying that "it's easier to find a job, when you have a job" does hold true.
Just my 2 cents.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5/28/2007 04:11:00 PM
Somehow finding a job while you are still employed is easier than when you are unemployed.
My 2 cents is, stick to current job, meanwhile spend more time looking for other job.
Good luck DK
Posted by
Anonymous |
5/28/2007 07:55:00 PM
Herry: Thx. :D
Posted by
DK |
5/29/2007 01:15:00 PM
Wow! (Note that I'm already saying "Wow!" ;-)) I didn't know so much has transpired over the week or two where I've stopped reading blog posts.
Make sure that you have set aside enough money to tide you over a probable 6-month jobless (incomeless) period. As you are still quite young (and thus unfettered by assets/liabilities, possibly still living in your parents' home), this amount should be quite manageable.
Still, whatever your decision, DK, choose one that feels right in the deepest part of your heart and mind. God bless!
Posted by
ClappingTrees |
6/03/2007 07:27:00 PM
clappingtree: Thanks. :)
That why you should always check out my blog. hahaha... kidding. :P
Posted by
DK |
6/04/2007 01:41:00 PM