Reservist Day Eight - Cannot make it officer
Cannot make it officer
**This entry was handwritten on 17 Sept 2007 2349hr**
Just finished a briefing by our officer. Wondering why the need to conduct the briefing so late in the evening. Can't he do it in the morning since we got nothing to do?
I've come to a conclusion that if we are going to war, my first bullet will be fired at my officer. Seriously, our chances of winning the war will be greatly increased without him around.
His technical knowledge is wrong. Heard that he gave our CO wrong information during the planning. Can die I tell you.
Then he asked 2 of my platoon mates to crarry a lot of equipment for the coming exercise. Like that how to walk? Never use brain one leh. One look and you know that it's more than 4 person's load. And he expect 2 people to carry them. Well done.
How do you expect me to go to war with this officer?
**This entry was handwritten on 17 Sept 2007 2349hr**
Just finished a briefing by our officer. Wondering why the need to conduct the briefing so late in the evening. Can't he do it in the morning since we got nothing to do?
I've come to a conclusion that if we are going to war, my first bullet will be fired at my officer. Seriously, our chances of winning the war will be greatly increased without him around.
His technical knowledge is wrong. Heard that he gave our CO wrong information during the planning. Can die I tell you.
Then he asked 2 of my platoon mates to crarry a lot of equipment for the coming exercise. Like that how to walk? Never use brain one leh. One look and you know that it's more than 4 person's load. And he expect 2 people to carry them. Well done.
How do you expect me to go to war with this officer?
some people needs a smack on the head.
good luck with the rest of your ict.
Posted by
Malique |
9/25/2007 12:51:00 AM
malique: Nah... I think he needs a bullet in his head.
Thx. Am out of ICT already. Now back to work. :P
Posted by
DK |
9/25/2007 09:14:00 AM