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Election should be coming.....


I'm not refering to the presidental election. Oh, btw: We might not have a president election. Judging from the way the newspaper blast the Mr Kuan recently, I doubt we will get a public holiday.

Seriously, I don't mind seeing any tom dick or harry coming out for the president election. Why the need to filter away the clowns and jokers? We are matured already right? Surely we can tell the different between clowns and contender.

Just throw Kuan and Nathan in the pit and fight it out.

Anyway, I wasn't going to talk about presidental election. I wanted to talk about General Election. You know, the time when you finally gets to see your MPs walking around your GRC, shaking hands and saying hello to you machim they are good old friends of you. Come come, how many people can name all the MPs in your GRC? Even I cannot do that. All I know is Mr Lim Boon Heng is 1 of them. The education minister (whom I cannot recall his name) is also 1 of my MP. As for the other 3 tag-a-long MPs, I seriously cannot remember their name, look and even GENDER!! yeap. I don't even remember if they are male or female. it is THAT BAD.

But at least the elections are coming. When the election comes, they will show up and I'll try my face to remember who they actually are.

You may ask, How do you know elections are coming? Simple.... Read the State controlled Newspaper. Hahahaha.... Suddenly, out of no where, they start talking about the GRC boundries and Pontong Pasir..... Something fishy.... it should be coming soon....

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