Still having hangover from New Year Eve Countdown. No joke. Woke up these 2 days having those floating feeling and a headache. I keep trying to recall how many glasses I've drank that made me had a 2 day hangover. Seriously, other than coke and mineral water, I don't remember drinking other things.
You can get hangover without drinking alcholic drinks too.
Xiaxue is targetting the Aerosol Form shooters. What is X-mas eve and New Year eve without these fun spray? I got myself 2 cans for New Year eve countdown. Gave 1 bottle to H. She decline in the beginning, saying she scare spray on someone that we don't know. I reassured her that it is perfectly alright to spray at stranger on X-mas eve and New Year eve. We finished the 2 can before the actually countdown. Damn, should had bought more.
We don't specially target on anyone. Actually it was more of spraying into the air and see who is the lucky person. And since everyone is screaming and jumping around, the lucky person wouldn't even know he ganna from us. Right? Anyway, New Year eve will be boring without the spray. Don't bother having a petition to ban it lah.
After the countdown, we went Clark Quay. The party was still on. MOS's queue is still long. We just walk along the streets of Clark Quay and see which pub willing to accept this bunch of fellows we were broke after buying the $19 entry ticket to the canon countdown. The place is rather crowded. I walk behind or behind H most of the times. I always prefer to walk behind at crowded place so that I can be on a look out for people who try to be funny. I'm gald nobody tries to be funny.
The Ang Moh were rather rowdy. They are already rowdy during normal chionging day. Their rowdiness doubled during festive season like new year eve. While most of them were partying among themeselves, got 1 group of 3 Ang Moh aren't. They were walking and dancing on the street, disturbing anyone that walk by. I sense trouble the moment I saw them. We tried to avoid them. But N wasn't fast enough to avoid one of the guy who took her hands and wanted to dance with her while she tried to break free. I stood a few step away, waiting to rush in to break up the fun if it gets overboard. Luckily N was able to break free.
You can get hangover without drinking alcholic drinks too.
Xiaxue is targetting the Aerosol Form shooters. What is X-mas eve and New Year eve without these fun spray? I got myself 2 cans for New Year eve countdown. Gave 1 bottle to H. She decline in the beginning, saying she scare spray on someone that we don't know. I reassured her that it is perfectly alright to spray at stranger on X-mas eve and New Year eve. We finished the 2 can before the actually countdown. Damn, should had bought more.
We don't specially target on anyone. Actually it was more of spraying into the air and see who is the lucky person. And since everyone is screaming and jumping around, the lucky person wouldn't even know he ganna from us. Right? Anyway, New Year eve will be boring without the spray. Don't bother having a petition to ban it lah.
After the countdown, we went Clark Quay. The party was still on. MOS's queue is still long. We just walk along the streets of Clark Quay and see which pub willing to accept this bunch of fellows we were broke after buying the $19 entry ticket to the canon countdown. The place is rather crowded. I walk behind or behind H most of the times. I always prefer to walk behind at crowded place so that I can be on a look out for people who try to be funny. I'm gald nobody tries to be funny.
The Ang Moh were rather rowdy. They are already rowdy during normal chionging day. Their rowdiness doubled during festive season like new year eve. While most of them were partying among themeselves, got 1 group of 3 Ang Moh aren't. They were walking and dancing on the street, disturbing anyone that walk by. I sense trouble the moment I saw them. We tried to avoid them. But N wasn't fast enough to avoid one of the guy who took her hands and wanted to dance with her while she tried to break free. I stood a few step away, waiting to rush in to break up the fun if it gets overboard. Luckily N was able to break free.
Oh man, I hate those aerosol sprays! It may be the new year or Christmas celebration but thats no excuse to behave like a bunch of rowdy idiots and spraying on any passer-bys on the street especially when they did not want to get involved in the fun and end up feeling sticky and dirty after that! just spray on your friends and whoever wanted to be spprayed.
Posted by
iRis |
1/02/2006 08:02:00 PM
But u need to spray on the person to know if the person wanted to be sprayed or not mah.
Aiya, it's only 2 days out of 365 days that you get to have such fun. Just relax and enjoy. :D
Posted by
DK |
1/02/2006 10:11:00 PM