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IS Forum

Went to the Annual IS Forum held at the HDB hub.

Still don't understand why they included china outsource staff this year via audioconferencing. Are they considered another company? If they are, then why are they attending our company's IS Forum? If they aren't, then why are their access to our LAN folder removed? Sometimes, I wish they could draw the line clearly. Are they part of our company or not?

Whatever.... The whole thing look impressive to the management level. Imagine holding a forum here in Singapore and the people at China can see the same presentation slides and hear the voice of the speaker.... Realtime. Big big boss must be very impressive how our IS dept make full use of the technology. But its just another wayang. Looks good but no meaning.

We concluded that IS people are bad at presentations. Wah Piang, that person beside me managed to fall asleep before the 2nd speaker finishes his presentation!! And the only thing that kept my awake is my trusty TX, loaded with bejeweled, snail and some ebooks. Damn, why do they have to choose another place without WIFI again. I could have go surfing or MSN on my TX while they continue with their boring presentation.

For goodness sake, if you are going to read directly from the powerpoint slides, please stop wasting our time and get off the stage. Just email everyone the slides and we can read them at our free time. I believe even the China staff are able to understand those english words on your slides. The idea of presentation is to give us additional inputs besides the slides. Appearantly, most speakers didn't. Many spoke with mono tone. Some read directly from the slides, others had a prepared script where they follow word by word. Some stand too far away from the mic and were mumbling away. Few managed to grab the attention of the audience, only to lose them shortly after.

Speak with more confidence and a clearer voice. Crack some jokes. Add some personal comments. Do not follow a written script. Connect with the audience. Do not cramp too many words on a single powerpoint slides.


This has got to be the worst IS forum I've ever attended in my past 3 years in the company.

It was tough fighting that Z monster whole afternoon. Zzzz....

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