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KNNBCCBWTF!!! Lim Peh blog rating is PG only!!!

KNNBCCBWTF!!! My blog is Rated 'PG'! FUCKING 'PG' only lor!

Online Dating

You KNN see lim peh no up issit? Give me this kind of nabei useless rating. KNN! Si Gin Na! You better watch out I tell you. Lim peh confirm hack into your bloody website and pour black paint on it. *point 3rd finger*

KNN. What a fucking disgrace! Bloody Hell. Limpeh must scold more bad words here so that I can get a big ass 'R' rating. Idiot! KNN! WTF! *^$%@%!#


Not bad. After posting this, I got PG-13. 1 level higher.

Must work harder to get R rating. Hahahaha....

heh... my blog is rated "G" leh... i am so surprised.

tstar: I'm also surprised too. Your should be unrated. Exceed R liao. :P

Good Lord ... my site is rated "R" with a bright red sign. This is just not possible.

*Raising fists to the sky*

wilfrid: WTF.... me is jealous.

To get a higher rating, I suggest you don't use hokkien vulgarities because I think the program is not an ah beng and won't understand you one bit. :P

you know, all you need is the four letter word "C-R-A-P" to get a R rating.

ooo don't be jealous.

Haha I got the 'R' rating by mentioning words like 'dangerous' and 'sex'. You can try with those words.

Qiaoyun: Well... they should KNN-ly go learn some hokkien vulgarities. Ai Si ah? hokkien vulgarities is the mother of all vulgarities. How can they not include it?

chillycrap: This is crap.

阿陈: Why the word 'dangerous' also got problem meh? Strange.

I got an R??? What the hell... I'm a nice guy lor...

They is the ang moh. They is donch unnerstand 'ch**bye'. Must take the 'fark' and sprinkle liberally all over your posts. Confirm kena R-rating.

wad do you know.. I have a G rating... rofl

Farinelli: You deserve a R rating. *pat on back*

woggle: Well, then those KNN ang moh should really wake up their bloody idea and start learning the fine arts behind hokkien vulgarities.

highwayblogger: Lousy lah you. At least I'm PG. :D

Cobalt: What is wrong with me? Can't you see meh? They give me PG rating leh! I should be R rating.


haha .... you dont need to use vulgarities, can use kill, murder ...

wokking mum: ISSIT?!!? Wah. Got loopholes. Haha..

try typing more stuff with "sex" "shoot" "f**k".

4 "sex" word got me from G to PG =)

Xinyun: Hmmm.... We should come out with a list of words that can help us get R rating. :D

I'm so innocent.. I've got a G! =P

UFC: Not surprised leh. Your blog very guai one. :P

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