Discount card
Got this in my snail mail yesterday.

Its from citibank. Not a credit card, but a discount card to be use together with my citibank credit card at creative eateries restaurant. I love credit cards. They give me discount and rewards.

They do have quite a few restaurant that I'm interested in visiting. Always walk pass the Surf 'n' Turf but never tried going in. Miss the food from Hot Stone although I only visited once and that was like.... 5 years ago?
The discount structure is kinda different.

The discount percent is based on the number of people. If 1 person, only 15% discount. But if 2 person, you get 50% discount!! Then if 3 person, the discount get reduced to 33%. Hmmm..... which means bring 1 person along can liao.
The card is valid until March 2007. The only problem is, you need to show this card and your credit card in order to get the discount. I don't think I'll want to bring the card out everyday. Maybe if I want to go then I bring the card out.
Surf 'n' Turf anyone? :D

Its from citibank. Not a credit card, but a discount card to be use together with my citibank credit card at creative eateries restaurant. I love credit cards. They give me discount and rewards.

They do have quite a few restaurant that I'm interested in visiting. Always walk pass the Surf 'n' Turf but never tried going in. Miss the food from Hot Stone although I only visited once and that was like.... 5 years ago?
The discount structure is kinda different.

The discount percent is based on the number of people. If 1 person, only 15% discount. But if 2 person, you get 50% discount!! Then if 3 person, the discount get reduced to 33%. Hmmm..... which means bring 1 person along can liao.
The card is valid until March 2007. The only problem is, you need to show this card and your credit card in order to get the discount. I don't think I'll want to bring the card out everyday. Maybe if I want to go then I bring the card out.
Surf 'n' Turf anyone? :D