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I won the "Win a date with Veron" contest

I was so surprised that I won the "Win a date with Veron" contest. Never thought I would win actually. I was just trying my luck.

And I send in my application at the very last minute. If Veron didn't twittered about it, I would had forgotten that yesterday is the due date. So I drafted an quick and catchy email.

Hi Veron

I’m writing to enter the “Win a date with Veron” contest.

A short introduction of myself, I’m Darryl, most people online call me DK. I’m 27 this year, working as a no life programmer. I have been your blog reader ever since I saw your blog being listed in You can read more about me from my blog at

Attached is a photo of myself. I would love to have a date with you at Graze. Hope to see you there.


And I attached my famous "Face on table" picture. I guess that attracted a lot of attention. Half an hour later, Veron announced that she has selected the winner. At first I thought it was someone else because I didn't get any email. Well... there was some lagging in the email system. It was about 30 seconds later when I got this email.

Hey DK,

Love your intro. You sound like a really decent, not to mention, eligible guy. My mom has approved of your profile and your photo. So I'll see you there tomorrow!

I won!!! Yippie... I'm going Graze with Veron.

Veron told me that she really showed her mum my email and her mum laugh when she saw my photo. I guess her mum also played a part in getting me selected. Thanks Aunty. :D

So I went to Graze with Veron. It was their Anniversary party and launching of new menu. We arrived quite early and the place is still quite empty. A photographer took a photo of us. He said would be up in *don't know which website* lah. Let me know if you see a photo of me with Veron somewhere on the net.

The place is very beautiful. The ambience was great. It's those kind of place to bring a gal to if you want to impress her. Or to celebrate some special events like anniversary or birthday. The pricing is abit towards the high end.

We had champagne after champagne. Seriously, I never drank so much champagne in my whole life before. Not really a champagne person. Would prefer red wine. But red wine would be too strong as I'm driving.

The waiter bought small bite size sample of the food that is on their new menu. The food was good. But I couldn't get a decent picture of the food because of the dim lighting. And I didn't managed to catch the name of the food. But generally, they taste quite good. As a whole, I would say the ambience scored full marks. Food wise, I can't comment much as all the food I had were just bite size sample. But they taste quite good. Would love to go there again and really try their food properly.

So we sat a one corner and chatted over champagne while waiter bought sample bite size food every now and then. Think Veron also had too much champagne and felt abit tipsy. We ended the evening with teh-tarek and Milo at the food centre near Veron's house.



how romantic.. so envious of u.. haha..


Excellent post! By the way I am pretty sure the photographer took photos only of the beautiful people. So, yay us!

Do you think I could rate you as a date in my own post?

Hey u r a lucky man!!
Graze is a nice romantic restaurant indeed.

nay min thu: Go visit veron's blog regularly. I think she will get more of such lobangs in the future.

hhhmmm.... I wonder if past winners are allowed to take part in future contest or not. :P

Veron: haha.... okie, I'll scan the web for that photo. Think it will turn out nice. :D

Sure, go ahead. But go easy on the rating. Don't fail me too badly :P

zeezee: yeap yeap. Its a nice place to bring the gal you want to impress to. :D

Nice one bro! :D

Mic: yeap. Its a nice dinner. You should visit that place sometime.

DK, now its your turn to offer someone else a date. =P And please don't let the venue be Geek Terminal. hahah!

Benjamin: I didn't know this whole thing works like those tagging thingy leh. I don't mind offering someone else a date, but who would want to take part in a contest call "Win a date with DK"? Hmmmm....

And WHY cannot Geek Terminal? Its such as nice place. I think I'm going there again tomorrow. :D

Went there once.
Cant wait to get impressed again.

zeezee: Go start a "Win a date with zeezee" lah. I'll surely apply for it. :D

Looks like you guys had fun. This is like a more elaborate version of :P

kevin: Yes, it was a fantastic evening. Great company, good food, nice place.

I was thinking of doing something similar to what Veron has done.... rating her as a date. :P

See how...

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