Which university did you graduate from?
Continue to help setup the new PC for some of the colleagues who are on leave on Friday.
So as usual, I connect the new PC to a network point, help my colleague map to the shared drive and ask them to copy their data to the new PC.
Then one colleague asked me this question:
"So I copy everything in C drive to the new PC C drive huh?"
WTF..... For goodness sake, if this question is being asked by someone with non-IT degree, I can still understand. But this fellow has an IT degree. Does he has any basic IT knowledge? You just need to copy your data over. Your software need to be reinstalled onto the new PC manually. It will not work if you just copy your program folder over to the new PC. This is basic IT knowledge that even non-IT people would know. Does he really have a IT degree or is it bought online?
And my reply to him was:
"Which university did you graduate from?"
Few hours later, another colleague walked pass me and saw me setting up PC for other colleague. He came over and had a short chat with me. He said that being a LAN admin in a IT dept is actually quite an easy job since everyone here has a IT diploma or degree.
I told him that story and both of us laughed for 5 seconds before continuing our work.
I know, I sound rude. No matter how stupid the question is, I shouldn't be insulting the person by asking him which University he grad from.
But it is the same person who didn't restart the job, didn't setup the laptop, anyhow promise deadline, didn't inform us till last minute, arrow me to cover his meeting and give excuse saying he don't know.
I think heaven will forgive me for being so rude.
So as usual, I connect the new PC to a network point, help my colleague map to the shared drive and ask them to copy their data to the new PC.
Then one colleague asked me this question:
"So I copy everything in C drive to the new PC C drive huh?"
WTF..... For goodness sake, if this question is being asked by someone with non-IT degree, I can still understand. But this fellow has an IT degree. Does he has any basic IT knowledge? You just need to copy your data over. Your software need to be reinstalled onto the new PC manually. It will not work if you just copy your program folder over to the new PC. This is basic IT knowledge that even non-IT people would know. Does he really have a IT degree or is it bought online?
And my reply to him was:
"Which university did you graduate from?"
Few hours later, another colleague walked pass me and saw me setting up PC for other colleague. He came over and had a short chat with me. He said that being a LAN admin in a IT dept is actually quite an easy job since everyone here has a IT diploma or degree.
I told him that story and both of us laughed for 5 seconds before continuing our work.
I know, I sound rude. No matter how stupid the question is, I shouldn't be insulting the person by asking him which University he grad from.
But it is the same person who didn't restart the job, didn't setup the laptop, anyhow promise deadline, didn't inform us till last minute, arrow me to cover his meeting and give excuse saying he don't know.
I think heaven will forgive me for being so rude.
Labels: PITA
oh man, he must have felt damn hurt...
but then, a lot of the times it's the "worker" that get the works done, not the "thinker".
Posted by
chillycraps |
3/20/2007 06:52:00 AM
you know, sometimes people deserve what's coming at them.
he certainly deserved THAT. good on ya.
Posted by
Goat Almighty |
3/20/2007 07:10:00 AM
yeah, well said!
Posted by
tstar |
3/20/2007 07:41:00 AM
LoL, well said though :) i had a good laugh... :P
Posted by
Anonymous |
3/20/2007 09:15:00 AM
Haha...I thought you should have given the guy a break...until you mentioned that it's that problematic guy...
He deserves it.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3/20/2007 09:56:00 PM
So, which university did he graduate from?
Being a non-IT graduate, I thought all those were basic IT knowledge!!!!
Posted by
JerL |
3/20/2007 11:07:00 PM
haha ... is he a mat?
uncle sha
Posted by
Anonymous |
3/20/2007 11:18:00 PM
Jerl: Nope, he didn't say. I also didn't give him a chance to say.
unclesha: Nope, not a mat.
Posted by
DK |
3/21/2007 12:42:00 AM
laugh for 5 sec hahahahaha.
wah, so fake! Guys can aso do this!? hehehe....
Posted by
eastcoastlife |
3/21/2007 12:17:00 PM
You simply have an interesting colleague.. haha :)
Posted by
Surreal |
3/21/2007 10:19:00 PM
Come'on perhaps he meant his data only?
Posted by
Gizmore |
3/21/2007 10:57:00 PM
eastcoastlife: OK, I overestimated the timing. Maybe 1 or 2seconds only. But we sure laugh quite hard. :P
gizmore: Nope. He really meant copy the software from old pc to new pc.
Posted by
DK |
3/22/2007 09:17:00 PM
Don't blame him.
new pcs have no carry no such thing.
And even in the U they never teach the skill, called GHOSTING
aka..Discopy or XCOPY32 /f /all
heh heh heh
Old timer die hard
Posted by
Geek @ Kedai.TV |
3/23/2007 03:47:00 AM