Helsinki Complaints Choir
There are quite a number of complaint choir from different countries, but I feel that this is the best. Anyone got their lyrics?
Wondering if Singapore have a complaint choir too. I think Singapore can form a better complaint choir since our national pasttime is complaining.
Wondering if Singapore have a complaint choir too. I think Singapore can form a better complaint choir since our national pasttime is complaining.
Too funny...
I also think if S'pore form one complaint choir, sure win wan!
Lyrics for complaint songs to sing in S'pore already out
Check this out!
Posted by
Anonymous |
5/19/2007 03:07:00 AM
There is one by Hossan Leong that is quite funny too. View it here.
Not really complain, but the gist is there.
Posted by
Keropokman |
5/19/2007 08:27:00 AM
Tigerfish: Yeap, heard of that already. In fact, I blogged about it here.
Keropokman: That one is a classic man. Haha.
Posted by
DK |
5/19/2007 03:12:00 PM