The coolest thinkpad in town
Went to Sitex yesterday evening after work. PC shows are like pilgrimage for a IT guy like me. Even if it is at ulu Expo, also must try to go. (PS: Ulu for me cause I stay in Jurong) At least the return journey wasn't that bad because I got mobile broadband to company me. :D
It seems like laptop skin is in fashion lately. See quite a number of store selling laptop skin at Sitex. Expect to see more of such store for the next PC show.
We've all seen laptop skin for macbook. Roger from Shuffle-Art makes great macbook skin. Too bad he doesn't design laptop skin PC. Else I would have bought a laptop skin from him. Love his designs.
I got my laptop skin from a booth call Hipfill. Didn't note down their booth number, but they are somewhere in the middle of the 2 expo hall. They have a wide selection of skin for you to choose. And the best part is, they help you paste the skin on your laptop free. Cool. The guy have to cut trim the skin a little as the laptop skin too big for my laptop. He even clean my laptop surface before applying the skin. Great service. If you are getting your laptop skin this Sitex, I suggest you bring your laptop down to Hipfill and let their staff help you paste the skin. But do note that they only have one staff doing this. You might need to wait quite a bit if there is a huge crowd. I was lucky yesterday because there isn't anyone in the queue.

I settle for this simple black design since my laptop is black in colour. The effect is great. Love it. I think I have the coolest Thinkpad in town now.
It seems like laptop skin is in fashion lately. See quite a number of store selling laptop skin at Sitex. Expect to see more of such store for the next PC show.
We've all seen laptop skin for macbook. Roger from Shuffle-Art makes great macbook skin. Too bad he doesn't design laptop skin PC. Else I would have bought a laptop skin from him. Love his designs.
I got my laptop skin from a booth call Hipfill. Didn't note down their booth number, but they are somewhere in the middle of the 2 expo hall. They have a wide selection of skin for you to choose. And the best part is, they help you paste the skin on your laptop free. Cool. The guy have to cut trim the skin a little as the laptop skin too big for my laptop. He even clean my laptop surface before applying the skin. Great service. If you are getting your laptop skin this Sitex, I suggest you bring your laptop down to Hipfill and let their staff help you paste the skin. But do note that they only have one staff doing this. You might need to wait quite a bit if there is a huge crowd. I was lucky yesterday because there isn't anyone in the queue.
I settle for this simple black design since my laptop is black in colour. The effect is great. Love it. I think I have the coolest Thinkpad in town now.
How much ah?
(p.s since when did you change your blogger comment settings, I cannot add as 'others')
Posted by
rinaz |
11/30/2007 11:32:00 AM
Rinaz: Its selling for $18. I heard that for the PC show, pasting is free. During normal days, if you go to their office, pasting cost you extra $5.
I didn't change the setting leh. I think blogger changed it. This sucks. Cannot add email and url now.
Posted by
DK |
11/30/2007 11:50:00 AM
A tad pansy, no?
Posted by
11/30/2007 01:06:00 PM
Kenny: No leh. Got meh?
Posted by
DK |
11/30/2007 02:08:00 PM
This show got nothing one... Only EEEpc to look forward to, but it's over priced.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11/30/2007 11:49:00 PM
Public Educator: I don't think the Eee PC is overpriced. In fact, I love it so much that I'll be getting it when it hits the stores. :D
Posted by
DK |
12/04/2007 11:24:00 AM
Good taste!
Posted by
Hillary Chan |
12/04/2007 04:38:00 PM
Precious: Did you see it on Sunday? They were saying it looks better in real life. :)
Posted by
DK |
12/04/2007 06:16:00 PM