Raise voice, slam phone.... what the hell
I was assigned to do some task to resolve the error.
It is quite simple. Run a query at 6pm, use the records to generate a file, upload to server and run a job. All these must be done within 1 1/2 hour. Sound simple, not quite actually. It is not part of my jobscope. I have to learn the process within a short time frame. The query also take quite some time to run. Everything is on a very tight timeline and not much room for errors.
Then I couldn't upload the file to server as the account has reached its disk quota. It wasn't my account. We borrowed the user id from another team as our team has no user ID in that server. Afterall, it is not really our job. We are taking up extra role due to the error.
So I called the server administrator and asked him to help increase the disk quota so that I can upload the file. Without asking me further, the administrator raised his voice and ask why am I using that server and such. Saying I shouldn't be using that server. When I explained to him that I have valid reason to use that server, he then as me to housekeep my account by deleting useless files. I told him I'm not using my user id to access the server. The user id belongs to another team.
On hearing that, the administrator raised his voice even louder and ask why am I using another team's user id. He even threaten to report the case to IS security. So I have to explain to him that our team doesn't have an account to that server. He insist that we should have. So I explained to him that our team usually don't use that server, thus we have no account on that server. Still at the top of his voice, he said that we should apply for a user id instead of borrowing.
Feeling pissed off, I raised my voice back at him, telling him that this is an urgent case and we have no time to apply for a new user id. I told him that all I need from him is to increase the disk quota so that I can perform the task. He insist that I housekeep the account and slam down the phone before I can say anymore thing.
Left with no other choice, I have to call a colleague another team to use another method to resolve the issue. There is nothing I can do if I can't upload file into the server. Luckily she was able to resolve the issue within the time frame.
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with these peoples? I know, it is against their policy to increase disk quota. But is there a need to raise their voice? It is very unprofessional and rude to do that. And slam the phone was the last straw. How could you slam the phone in office?
Sometimes, you need to look at the urgency of the issue. Surely, this case is urgent enough to warrant a disk quota increase. Even if it is not, shouldn't you be advising me on a better solution? Nope. Not even a single help. At one point, I was wondering if you are in my company or my competitor's'.
What happen to the company's core value of 'Teamwork' and 'Customer focus'?
So, I wrote a letter to his teamlead before I left for WTT gathering. I don't know if it is useful or not. I just feel that someone up there need to know what is happening. This thing cannot go on. Something need to be done. We should be fighting our competitors, not internally.
And I'm prepared to escalate the issue all the way up to the CEO if no proper action was taken.
And by doing so, I am also fighting internally. But something need to be done.
Somehow, my director got to know that I couldn't get the task done. He gave me a call to check what happen. Told him everything, including the raising of voice and phone slamming part. Let see if he will do something about it.
My teamlead also knew that I couldn't get the task done. He also called to check what happen.
The task I was doing was to prevent more errors from occurring. It was a top priority issue and everyone is looking closely at it. Despite the fact that it was already 7pm and most people have left, they are still monitoring closely at the situation.
I was still feeling quite pissed of by the whole incident. Told my teamlead that there is nothing I can do because I'm just a JO. He replied saying its not because I'm a JO, but because that team is always hard to handle. They are the administrator. They have absolute power. If they don't like you, they can give you alot of trouble.
But I still feel that it is because I'm a JO. Or rather, even if a SO were to talk to them, he/she would still get the same treatment.
But the whole thing will be different if it is a director and above who made the request. They won't raise their voice or slam the phone. And most likely they will also increase the disk quota. At record speed.
It is quite simple. Run a query at 6pm, use the records to generate a file, upload to server and run a job. All these must be done within 1 1/2 hour. Sound simple, not quite actually. It is not part of my jobscope. I have to learn the process within a short time frame. The query also take quite some time to run. Everything is on a very tight timeline and not much room for errors.
Then I couldn't upload the file to server as the account has reached its disk quota. It wasn't my account. We borrowed the user id from another team as our team has no user ID in that server. Afterall, it is not really our job. We are taking up extra role due to the error.
So I called the server administrator and asked him to help increase the disk quota so that I can upload the file. Without asking me further, the administrator raised his voice and ask why am I using that server and such. Saying I shouldn't be using that server. When I explained to him that I have valid reason to use that server, he then as me to housekeep my account by deleting useless files. I told him I'm not using my user id to access the server. The user id belongs to another team.
On hearing that, the administrator raised his voice even louder and ask why am I using another team's user id. He even threaten to report the case to IS security. So I have to explain to him that our team doesn't have an account to that server. He insist that we should have. So I explained to him that our team usually don't use that server, thus we have no account on that server. Still at the top of his voice, he said that we should apply for a user id instead of borrowing.
Feeling pissed off, I raised my voice back at him, telling him that this is an urgent case and we have no time to apply for a new user id. I told him that all I need from him is to increase the disk quota so that I can perform the task. He insist that I housekeep the account and slam down the phone before I can say anymore thing.
Left with no other choice, I have to call a colleague another team to use another method to resolve the issue. There is nothing I can do if I can't upload file into the server. Luckily she was able to resolve the issue within the time frame.
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with these peoples? I know, it is against their policy to increase disk quota. But is there a need to raise their voice? It is very unprofessional and rude to do that. And slam the phone was the last straw. How could you slam the phone in office?
Sometimes, you need to look at the urgency of the issue. Surely, this case is urgent enough to warrant a disk quota increase. Even if it is not, shouldn't you be advising me on a better solution? Nope. Not even a single help. At one point, I was wondering if you are in my company or my competitor's'.
What happen to the company's core value of 'Teamwork' and 'Customer focus'?
So, I wrote a letter to his teamlead before I left for WTT gathering. I don't know if it is useful or not. I just feel that someone up there need to know what is happening. This thing cannot go on. Something need to be done. We should be fighting our competitors, not internally.
And I'm prepared to escalate the issue all the way up to the CEO if no proper action was taken.
And by doing so, I am also fighting internally. But something need to be done.
Somehow, my director got to know that I couldn't get the task done. He gave me a call to check what happen. Told him everything, including the raising of voice and phone slamming part. Let see if he will do something about it.
My teamlead also knew that I couldn't get the task done. He also called to check what happen.
The task I was doing was to prevent more errors from occurring. It was a top priority issue and everyone is looking closely at it. Despite the fact that it was already 7pm and most people have left, they are still monitoring closely at the situation.
I was still feeling quite pissed of by the whole incident. Told my teamlead that there is nothing I can do because I'm just a JO. He replied saying its not because I'm a JO, but because that team is always hard to handle. They are the administrator. They have absolute power. If they don't like you, they can give you alot of trouble.
But I still feel that it is because I'm a JO. Or rather, even if a SO were to talk to them, he/she would still get the same treatment.
But the whole thing will be different if it is a director and above who made the request. They won't raise their voice or slam the phone. And most likely they will also increase the disk quota. At record speed.
i think u did good to let pple know what happened. u tried everything within ur means. it ain't ur fault that u couldn't quite resolve the issue because of silly bureaucracy.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2/11/2007 06:26:00 PM